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Hello. My name is ​Aaron Maldonado. I am ​here to serve you

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to ​serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” Mark 10:45

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About Aaron Maldonado

Aaron has over 20 years of experience working with university’s ​across the country. His expertise is in Enrollment and Financial ​Aid. He has been able to help families navigate the process and ​get them to graduation with no debt. He has written three books : ​How to Navigate the Financial Aid & Student Loan World, The ​Enrollment Guide and The Playbook.

Aaron loves to teach and preach the word of God. His heart is to ​influence God’s people to pursue the presence of the Lord and ​grow as a disciple of Jesus . He just released his latest book ​entitled : The Standard.

Aaron and his wife Xiomara currently reside in Orlando Florida. ​They have a handsome one year old son named Samuel. They ​currently serve at Nations Church.

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How To Navigate the Financial Aid & Student Loan World

There are ways to get a college degree without being in debt. This book is a ​guide to explain the whole process to apply for federal and state grants. ​He gives profound insight on ways to pay for college without taking out a ​loan. He wants the students to benefit not the banks and institutions.

The Enrollment Guide

This book guarantee’s you admissions to any university. He explains every detail ​of enrollment such as every document to apply, what to expect with placement ​exams, he explains the details of immunization records and gives advisement ​and tips for registration. This book also includes a planning guide checklist

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The College Enrollment and Financial Aid Playbook

This is the combined book of Aaron’s Financial Aid Guide and the Enrollment ​Guide. This play book gives you everything that you need for all areas of ​Enrollment. The purpose was to make this a one stop shop to all of your needs. ​He gives every strategic play for you to score.

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Hello, I'm

Aaliyah Igwe.

Professional digital marketer + Social media manager

NOW Booking

If you’re interested in having Aaron Maldonado speak at your event or would like an advising session with him. Please send him this information.









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